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Cops Gone Wild
Sexual relations are now outlawed for police “during the course of a traffic stop, a custodial interrogation, an interview in connection with an investigation, or while the law enforcement officer has such person detained,”
Kansas Governor Signs Bill Banning Police Officers From Having Sex During Traffic Stops
Driver was stopped by an officer because the words “MyFlorida.com” were obscured by a tag frame. The officer later found drugs in the car and the driver was charged with a narcotics offense. #Oops #IFeelSafer.
Don’t Hide the Letters on Your Florida License Plate With a Frame

Two in Car Cameras, 5 Police Cars, a Police Dog, and a Helicopter. Amazing Video
Can the #Police Arrest a Citizen Reporter Recording Police Actions on a City Street? What Do You Think? #CopsGoneWild

Drug Bust on Video | Photographer Arrested
Florida Highway Patrol Cops Racing
Video showing what clearly appears to be a #Florida Highway Patrolman in a Highway Patrol #Dodge #Charger lining up alongside a #Lamborghini #Aventador and racing down the road is now under investigation. #CopsGoneWild
As it turns out, the “gun” in question was a drawing of a mathematical square root symbol. √
Math Symbol Sparks Police Search for Gun in Allen Parish

Judge Gone Wild
Suge Knight Attorneys Arrested
Suge Knight attorneys arrested Thursday on warrants alleging they were accessories after the fact to a felony, authorities said, without disclosing what the felony was or what they are believed to have done. #SugeKnight #CopsGoneWild
‘Suge’ Knight attorneys released 1 day after arrest
Quotas Gone Wild
Think #quotas for #tickets R #bad, how about arresting drivers 4 fun & profit Contests 4 #arrests since 2009 Bad!
Are Traffic Ticket Quotas Legal in Florida? – Contests – Arrests and Traffic Tickets in Florida
Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw Cries Like a Baby As He’s Sentenced To 263 Years For Raping 13 Women – NMWS.US
Mug Shots Gone Wild
Even the Tampa Bay Times, which prominently displays its Pulitzer Prize tally (12), and is behind such upstanding journalistic institutions as Poynter Institute, compiles them alongside a detailed list of physical attributes — gender, height, weight and so on. The images vanish after 60 days from a section that clocks nearly one million views a month, said the paper’s editor, Neil Brown. While he put the site’s news value at the “lowest possible level,” he said that such eyeball grabbing schemes aren’t unusual. “The slippery slope of being a purist is that there’s all kinds of stuff on news sites all over the county that is there for the interest of the audience,” he said. “I don’t think sanctimony over it is entirely well placed — though I don’t begrudge anyone their sanctimony.”

Body Cam Gone Wild
#CopsGoneWild The officer’s alleged trickery was revealed by the fact that his body cam retained footage for 30 seconds before it was activated to begin recording. During that time, according to the footage and the Baltimore public defender’s office, Officer Richard Pinheiro puts a bag of pills in a can in an alley and walks out of the alley.
The Axon cam’s initial 30 seconds of footage, by default, doesn’t have sound. After 30 seconds, viewers of the video can both see and hear the officer looking for drugs in the alley. Lo and behold, he finds them in the same soup can that he placed them in, according to the footage, which was released Wednesday. Pinheiro can then be heard yelling “yo” to his fellow officers, telling them he found drugs in the alley.
Cop’s Body Cam Films Him Planting Drugs—He Obviously Didn’t Know It Was Recording

In 2014, federal law enforcement officers took more property from citizens than burglars did. State and local authorities seized untold millions more.
Law Office of W.F. “Casey” Ebsary Jr
Feds Want Police to Take More Cash From American Citizens

The majority of the 41 dropped cases are drug-related, but charges of resisting law enforcement, battery or assault and three gun charges have also been dropped so far this year. #CopsGoneWild
State Attorney Drops 41 Cases Over Officers’ Issues

Nice job Orlando Police Department. That’s why we have sued them before. #Orlando #OPD #SOSDD
2 Police Officers Pull Over Black Fla. State Attorney, Can’t Explain Why
YouTube screenshot. Bodycam footage from the Orlando Police Department shows two police officers pulling over Florida’s only black state attorney, Aramis Ayala. One officer claims they made the stop because the tint on her car’s windows was too dark. In a video released by the Daily Mail, the officer …
The Florida Supreme Court loves television and so do we. #TV #CopsGoneWild
Video in DUI Case Does Not Lie – So Says the Florida Supreme Court

Cops chase traffic violator 32 miles across Tampa Bay Bridge at 100 mph without overhead lights on. #CopsGoneWild
Pinellas Sheriff’s Sergeant, Lieutenant Suspended for Roles in High-Speed Chase
20,000 Dwi Cases Called Into Question in NJ: Is Yours One of Them?

Red Light Camera Update
Cop in this small community was wading through footage of the red light camera in this small #Floriduh town. A couple of weeks later he realized he had clicked his way in to a ticket.
Officer Gives Himself a Citation for Running Red Light

Update: Cops Don’t Take Roadside Tests or Breath Tests.
Law Office of W.F. ”Casey” Ebsary Jr
Refusal of a Breath Test | What do police officers do when they are arrested for DUI?

Cop Crashes While Using Laptop in Patrol SUV
Florida has outlawed texting while driving in Florida Statute 316.305. The law is literally known the “Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law.” It tries to “[p]revent crashes related to the act of text messaging while driving a motor vehicle.” The law prohibits “operat[ing] a motor vehicle while manually typing or entering multiple letters, numbers, symbols, or other characters into a wireless communications device . . . .” The cop drove through a loophole in the law and rear-ended multiple vehicles. Cops can use their computers, since the law allows them limited use. #CopsGoneWild
Pinellas sheriff’s deputy causes three-vehicle crash while checking laptop
Florida Highway Patrol Cop Gone Wild
#Allegedly groped a women during a traffic stop. Then dumb enough to #SnapChat it? “[D]etectives monitored a Snapchat conversation between the victim and Gonzalez, during which they said Gonzalez said things that confirmed the victim’s account of the traffic stop.” #CopsGoneWild #Floriduh #Florida
FHP Trooper Accused of Groping Woman During Traffic Stop Arrested

Bank Robbery False Alarm
Bank of America in Florida can by hit hard for customer injured during a false robbery alarm. A team of police officers armed with heavy weapons responded to a false alarm and cops responding hit one of their customers. In this case a guy was at a bank and there was a false alarm for a robbery. An alarm was triggered at a bank and “at some point the police realized that after [the customer] had been seriously injured, it was a totally false alarm . . . .” Bank of America had a video system, but “video showing [their customer] being kicked is conveniently missing. Bank of America denies that this footage was erased, and asserts that the surveillance program is written to purposely create gaps in footage to create an easily downloadable file.”
Law Office of W.F. ”Casey” Ebsary Jr
Tasers Gone Wild
You have the right to …. get blasted with a taser and waive your rights. “[S]uspects’ brains are briefly scrambled when they are on the receiving end of a Taser stun gun and its 50,000-volt delivery.”
Study: Suspects shocked by Taser “more likely” to waive Miranda Rights | Ars Technica

Body Cam Update
There’s something missing from a number of dashboard videos of fatal police shootings in Chicago: the sound. . . . The analysis — which was not disputed by police officials — found microphones stashed in glove boxes, batteries removed and antennas damaged. On purpose.
Analysis Finds “Deliberate” Disabling of Some Chicago PD Dashcams

Prison Cams Gone Wild
#CopsGoneWild “Five ex-Marion County deputies now face possible prison terms. As they captured Price, video captured their conduct. A federal grand jury in Tampa charged the last of the disgraced lawmen late Tuesday, accusing Jesse Alan Terrell, 33, of violating Price’s civil rights.”
Ex-Marion Deputy Indicted in Tampa on Civil Rights Charge After Suspect’s Beating (W/Video)
Cops Walk in House with No Warrant
Treasure Island, Florida has become a hotbed of the methamphetamine world. So while on patrol, a cop saw an open door with mail on the floor near the mail slot. The decision was made to enter the home and make sure everyone was alright. Of course, while there, why not search the house and find some meth. Court says a dios to this one.

Methamphetamine Case Tossed – Open Door and the Community Caretaker Function
From the Digital Trenches
Just reviewed a computer crime case where the dates on files on an SD card seized by the police, examined by the police computer forensic laboratory, and by a defense expert in computer forensics showed some unusual patterns in the dates of files that allegedly contained contraband. Those files on an SD card were later the basis of criminal charges and an arrest. There were claims of evidence spoliation. “Spoliation” is a fancy word for tampering. Sometimes a Computer Crimes Experts can come in handy. During a lengthy interrogation by the Prosecutor there were some answers given that may apply to virtually any cases involving data stored on a mobile phone SD card. #CopsGoneWild
Law Office of W.F. ”Casey” Ebsary Jr
Cops Laughing at Fatal Crash Hearing
Laughing at hearing on fatal crash.

Florida Highway Patrol Commanding Officer Fired
#CopsGoneWild Citizenbolo.com will provide a means for the regular citizen to report rogue and abusive behavior by law enforcement members. It will be a sharing site for citizens to generate bolo alerts to fellow citizens on law enforcement who fail to fulfill their duty of protecting and serving the community.
Citizenbolo.com will compile videos, personnel file documentation, and any pertinent information regarding specific law enforcement officers that the public should know about in order to bolo. Citizens will then be able to search the site’s database in order to find any available information regarding any law enforcement member they may have had a bad encounter with.
It will be the mission of citizenbolo.com to provide a means for the average citizen to make available and share information with other community members regarding law enforcement.”
Drug Dealer Gone Wild?
Officer arrested for dealing drugs while on duty, in uniform & from cop car, telling informants that he “is a better criminal than a cop.”
Anderson police officer arrested for selling drugs on duty

Cameras Gone Wild
They never seem to have a problem turning camera off in my client’s case. #CopsGoneWild “The cameras can capture evidence and clear false complaints, but some officers had trouble remembering to turn them on or off, or later realized that the lens was accidentally pointed away from what the officer was seeing, which “would certainly result in accusations of cover up,” the report reads.” said the confused officer to the reporter.
For now, Clearwater police will not use body cameras
Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw Cries Like a Baby As He’s Sentenced To 263 Years For Raping 13 Women – Counter Current News
Spend 600 Months In Prison When Police Search Lost Cell Phone
The story begins in a Walmart in Florida. The owner lost their phone at Walmart. After he left the phone, it was found, and the owner agreed to pick it up from the store. The owner of the phone failed to pick the phone up from the store. The store manager looked at the phone in an effort to find a photo of the owner. When the manager found contraband on the phone, she called the cops – police search lost cell phone.
Law Office of W.F. ”Casey” Ebsary Jr
Commentary: Cops Gone Wild in Tampa, Florida
“Tampa police officers took law enforcement-by-quota to an entirely new level. As the Tampa Bay Times Alexandra Zayas reported, since 2001 officers were under pressure to write more tickets if they want to look good on their annual performance reviews.” #CopsGoneWild
Ruth: Smart strategy shift by Tampa police
Here we go – ticket quotas used in performance evaluations of Tampa Police in Florida – nice work guys.
Death of a Weed Dealer – Tampa, Florida
Confidential informant, Drug Bust, Drug Crimes, Tampa, Florida – $2.00 Worth of Weed, an urban assault vehicle, and a death . ..
Death of a Weed Dealer – Tampa, Florida

Cops and Communities Have a New Contest – Let’s See How Much Stuff We Can Take From Citizens Using Civil Forfeiture . . .
Video – Florida Forfeiture and Seizure – Cops Gone Wild
